Crazy story…

I had a houseguest one night.

He arrived that afternoon. We did a little work. Maybe grabbed a meal and a drink. Then we plopped down on my couch to chat before bedtime.

Since my house was full of books, my guest asked if I had a couple titles he’d been hoping to read soon.

I can’t remember the titles of both books, but one of them was Launch by Jeff Walker.

So I grabbed them off the shelf and handed them over. Then we parted ways for the night.

The next morning he emerged from the guest bedroom with both books in hand.

When he handed them over, THIS happened…

Him: “Thanks for the books. They were good.”

Me: Wait, you read both of these books last night?

Him: “Yep.”

Me: How?

Him: “You know I teach speed reading courses online, right?”

I did.

Even though I was well aware of the fact that my friend was a world-renowned and internet-famous expert on memory, learning, and speed reading, I still had a hard time grasping the idea that he blew though at least 500 pages in a single night.

I mean, it takes me a week to read that many pages!

So, who was this mysterious houseguest?

His name is Jim Kwik, and he’s today’s featured speaker on the podcast.

If you know what you should be doing to make your life better … but you’re not doing it, tune in to hear Jim reveal the 3 forces that may be keeping you stuck in fear, lack, and procrastination.

Plus, why you struggle to remember names. And what you can do about it!

Source: Instantly Increase Brain Performance with Jim Kwik’s Simple 3M’s Formula

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
