
I don’t even hear it anymore.

Whenever they try to tell me about it, all I hear is babble.

Kinda like Charlie Brown’s teacher…

Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah.

You know how it goes. You thought you had a brilliant idea, but your best friend couldn’t resist telling you all the reasons it’d never work.

Your chronically single friend insists on dishing out relationship advice.

Your indigent uncle disparages your stock portfolio. 

“Here’s what you should do with your money…”

Wah … Wah … Wah … Waaaaah.

The thing is, we allow these people and their bad advice to stop us from taking action on our ideas.

We essentially afford mentor status to people who have never done the things we want to do, or they’re doing it really badly.

A few years ago, I read something that became a guiding principle in my life. It goes like this: Seek counsel, not opinions.

In other words, if you haven’t done the thing, I don’t care to hear your advice on how to do it, nor your opinion on why I shouldn’t do it.

You can keep that.

Only take advice from those who have already navigated the road you’re preparing to travel, not from the ones who never had the courage to set foot on it.

On today’s QOD, Dean Graziosi urges you to beware of the negative outside influences that may be keeping you stuck.

Source: Dean Graziosi’s TOP 10 Millionaire Success Habits

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
