Check this out.

What’s the most poverty-stricken demographic in America?

The answer …

Single males.

Yikes! I need to hurry up and put a ring on some lucky lady.

Kidding. I’m in no rush.

But according to the statistics, marriage in fact can put you on the road to prosperity.

It’s like a man powers up and takes his game to another level when he has a loving and supportive partner by his side.

So if you’re single, male, and BROKE AF, get yourself a Bumble profile (it’s free!) and start looking for your person.

And when you find her/him/them, get married and stay married.

But …. it’s not just tying the knot that could be your secret to success. I mean, if it were only that simple. There’s more to this.

On today’s episode of the podcast, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money, reveals 4 more things you — man or woman — must do if you want to hop on the escalator to success.

Source: Financial Summit ’16 – Session 5 – Rabbi Daniel Lapin

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