In this episode, Rev. Ike introduces his 10 commandments of money that will put your financial life back together. He further elaborates on how to form a money-attraction complex to magnetize our minds for money. 
Your mind is a magnet that attracts what you believe in. For instance, if you believe in the goodness and richness of money, then that’s precisely the way it will be. 

However, if you have a negative attitude about money, then this creates what Rev Ike calls a “money rejection complex” that repels money away from you. 

As John Milton once said, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.” In the same way, your perception of money greatly determines how it will manifest in your life. 

Money Mind Academy Summer Session enrollment is open! Get signed up at (Closes Tuesday, June 1st at noon PT)

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