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24 Mar / 2016

010 – Melissa Ambrosini: How to Silence Your Inner Critic


Guest: Melissa Ambrosini

Everyone’s got one.

That annoying voice in our heads that tell us what we can’t do, who we can’t be, and why we can’t do it. Our inner critic.

When we commit to moving forward, it takes joy in stopping us.

When we wish to speak up, it seals our lips and paralyzes the tongue.

When all we want is to say yes, it tells us no.

The inner critic is the voice of FEAR. Stay where you are. Keep things safe. Avoid uncertainty.

It will always be there, it has nowhere to go. This we must accept. Yet as powerful as it may be, it is no match for your own greatest power. Your ability to choose.

On today’s episode of The Sessions, Melissa Ambrosini, author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, reveals how exercising your greatest power can put your inner critic on mute so you can stay on your path to following your purpose and passions.

16 Mar / 2016

009 – Nicole Lapin: My Father’s Daughter


Guest: Nicole Lapin

Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


You. Me. Even the rich. Even the famous.

Even the ones who look like they have it all together, as if they have it all figured out.

The truth is, ALL of us are struggling through something. It’s these battles — the ones we face head-on — that cause us to become the strongest versions of ourselves.

If you ever happened upon Nicole Lapin reporting breaking news or hosting the hit TV show Hatched, you might assume you knew her story, what she was all about.

The youngest anchor ever hired by CNN. Author of a bestselling book. Winner of the Best Money Expert award over household names like Warren Buffet, Tony Robbins, and Dave Ramsey.



The daughter of a surgeon and a former Miss Israel.

Born with a silver spoon … or so we’d think.

But things aren’t always what they seem. Not even close.

11 Mar / 2016

008 – Kelly Brogan, MD: A Mind of Your Own


Guest: Kelly Brogan, MD

I get a kick out of seeing my friends on TV.

Way back in 2008, when I was making “underground” health videos on YouTube, the mainstream media steered clear of anything outside of the food pyramid.

Now I can turn on the tube and see my pals schooling Dr. Oz on fats and cholesterol, talking GMOs on The Doctors, and pitching their latest books on Good Morning America.

We’ve come a long way in a very short time, thanks in part to a more open-minded mainstream media willing to give air time to less “conventional” messages that may rub their sponsors the wrong way.

Then again, maybe not…

The networks may be willing to apprise their viewers of the potential problems with gluten, genetically modified foods, and maybe even the toxins in your shampoo.

But when it comes to antidepressants, they avert their eyes and look away. There’s too much to lose.

And that’s exactly why, despite a groundbreaking book due to hit shelves next week, you won’t be seeing Dr. Kelly Brogan on your television anytime soon.

She’s been blacklisted.

For telling the truth.

For disclosing what the scientific literature REALLY says about antidepressants.

For giving substance to the well-hushed argument that depression is NOT caused by a chemical imbalance but something else altogether.

10 Mar / 2016

Bonus – Gretchen Rubin: Breaking Bad Habits


Guest: Gretchen Rubin

This happens every once in a while…

A guest needs to reschedule our recording and I’m left without any content for our weekly podcast. Totally understandable, though. It happens.

So, to keep this party humming along I decided to upload a BONUS session for you this week. And I think you’re gonna love it.

This episode originally aired last April on Underground Wellness Radio. Gretchen Rubin, author of the bestseller Better Than Before, and I discussed how to break free of bad habits while creating new ones that STICK.

But wait, these aren’t your ordinary “how bad do you want it?”, white-knuckle-your-way-through-it kinds of strategies for behavior change. Because really, there is no one-size-fits-all master plan for everyone.

These strategies are personal!

In other words, what works for my personality type — I’m what they call an Upholder — may not work for yours.

Maybe you’re a Questioner, someone who needs a sound reason or real purpose to change your ways. It has to be WORTHWHILE.

Or maybe you’re an Obliger who needs external accountability to get charged up and motivated to take action. To get moving you need deadlines, outside expectations, and responsibilities to meet.

Then again, you could be a Rebel and resist pretty much anyone’s input. You do what you want to do!

2 Mar / 2016

007 – Arielle Ford: Happily Even After


Guest: Arielle Ford

Thirty-eight. No wife. No kids.

I can give you a seemingly endless list of excuses for why I’m still single…

“Because I’ve been busy building my business.”

“Because there are no good women left.”

“Because I have a very specific type.”

Blah. Blah. Blah.

I used to believe in this thing called “happily ever after” — this mythical idea of someday meeting The One, falling in love at first sight, and joyfully frolicking in open fields of tulips and daisies for the rest of our days.

Maybe I watched too many Meg Ryan flicks as a kid…

The truth is that in every one of my failed relationships, the common denominator was me. I didn’t have the tools to make a relationship work.

I had a need to always be right. I buried myself in my work. I refused to do the little things that make relationships last.

It took a while, but at some point I became conscious of my shortcomings and decided to do something about them.

As Neil Strauss writes in his book, The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships, “Love is not about finding the right person. It’s about becoming the right person.”