It doesn’t happen overnight.

Read the biography of anyone who’s ever achieved anything worthwhile and you will discover what I like to call the backstory. All of the dramas, stumbling blocks, and rejections that happened along the way.

Think of Tony Robbins washing dishes in the bathtub.

Jay Z starting his own record label … because no one would sign him.

All twelve major publishers rejecting J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.

Henry Ford’s first company going bankrupt.

Colonel Sanders setting out with his $105 social security check to pitch his chicken recipe … at age 62.

For every story of triumph, there are thousands, maybe millions, that ended in their first chapters. Just when the plot was thickening, the pages go blank.

The people with the best stories are the ones who understand that giving birth to a dream cannot happen without taking the pregnancy full-term. They’re willing to go through the morning sickness. The emotional roller coasters. The discomfort of having no idea what they’re doing but doing it anyway.

Today on the QOD Show, Lisa Nichols talks about the realities of being pregnant with a dream and asks one of my favorite questions ever: 

“When you’re pregnant with an idea that’s bigger than you, what part of labor did you think would be comfortable?”

Yes, Yes!

Tap the PLAY button above to listen to the full episode. It’s a good one!!

Happy Monday.

Source: Questions that Will Stir Your Soul | Lisa Nichols

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