Quick question…

Which positive habits do you lean on to help protect you against stress and overwhelm?

Maybe it’s your exercise or self-care routine. How you plan out your week and eliminate distractions. Your new habit of saying no to things that you really don’t want to do.

All of the above are effective. But there’s this one habit that most of us aren’t practicing nor developing. And it’s probably the most powerful protection against stress there is.

How do I know this?

Well, because 47% of Americans report that their relationships with others aren’t meaningful. Fifty-eight percent say that they sometimes or always feel like no one knows them well.

Could it be that most of us feel utterly stressed and overwhelmed because when times get tough we go to our caves and sit alone in the darkness?

Could it be that the way we handle our modern-day problems is completely out of alignment with our ancient social brains that are wired for connection and community?

How much better would we feel if we turned our lonely caves into clubhouses where we looked after each other instead of looking away?

On today’s episode, Brendon Burchard reveals why building strong social relationships is the very best (and most overlooked) habit you can develop to protect yourself against stress and overwhelm.

Source: The Unstoppable Power of Positive Habits

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
