I didn’t want to be one of them.

You know THEM.

They’re greedy. Mean. Miserable.

They cheat.

They don’t pay their fair share.

Yeah, them.

The rich. The wealthy. The one percent.

I despised them … but at the same time I wanted to have what they had.

I wanted to have time freedom. More choices and options. To not have to worry about money anymore.

But I was flat broke. And no matter what I did to earn more money, I would eventually sabotage myself. Over and over again.

Then one day it clicked. I suddenly realized that while I wanted to have what they had, I didn’t want to be who they were.

I didn’t want others to one day think about me what I thought about “them.”

I didn’t want to join forces with the financial dark side and be perceived as a greedy, miserable tax-cheat.

And that’s when the roots of my financial self-sabotage became crystal clear.

I realized that I could never become what I despised. In other words, if you regard the rich with contempt, you will never be rich.

Like ever.

While I had many limiting beliefs about money and people with money, it was this single belief — that all rich people have deep character defects — that held me back the most.

I mean, I know a lot of greedy, miserable poor people too!

The truth is, character is a choice that has nothing to do with one’s net worth.

There is no rule that says you can’t be rich and kind. Rich and generous. Rich and honest. That’s up to you.

If you find yourself pouring scorn on the rich, while you struggle to get ahead financially, today’s episode with Rev. Ike will shine some light on what may be getting in your way.

Source: Rev. Ike | On Deciding | Receive/ Manifest Your Desires | Sermon 1hr+

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