There’s always something.

Whenever I look back on the terrible things that have happened in my life, I can find something positive that emerged from each of them.

A couple months ago, one of our QOD speakers said this…

“Nothing is bad unless you think it’s bad.”

That doesn’t mean that nothing is EVER bad.

What it means is that nothing is ONLY bad.

When you elect to reserve judgment about what may appear to be a negative circumstance, what often materializes is a silver lining.

You lost your job … but soon you found a much better (and higher paying) one.

The relationship ended … and before long you met your person.

You made a big mistake … and discovered a better way to do something.

There was a time when I looked at mistakes and crises like they were the end of the world. 

Now I see them as opportunities to wait for the storm to run out of rain, knowing that the bright side will soon come to light. 

Because, like I said, there’s always something.

On today’s episode, Michael Wickett shares a fascinating story about how one of the most famous holiday carols ever was born out of a crisis. 

Tap a link below to find out which carol it was!

Source: Personal Power: Living a Life of Confidence, Determination, and Influence

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
