Quick question…

What do all of these individuals have in common?

Eric Thomas
Warren Buffett
Oprah Winfrey
John H. Johnson (founder of Ebony magazine)
Steve Jobs
Arianna Huffington
Bob Proctor
Myron Golden
Tory Burch
Mel Robbins
Les Brown
Dr. John Demartini
Mark Cuban

And, well, just about every single successful person on the planet.

HINT: the average person spends 2 hours and 24 minutes a day on social media, 3 hours a day watching TV, but only 16 minutes and 48 seconds doing this.

Find out today’s episode with Dr. Dennis Kimbro!

Source: @DrDennisKimbroTV – Putting It All Together: Success & Greatness | @EMPOWERSERIES

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