Nothing was happening.

But, something was happening.

Allow me to explain…

Earlier this year — the month was February, to be exact — I decided to get intentional about growing my Instagram (IG) account.

Since I had already grown a YouTube audience to over 100K followers and various podcasts to over 100M combined downloads, some might imagine that “growing my Gram” would be a cinch.

It was not.

In fact, it was quite the humbling experience.

Despite posting motivational reels (short videos on IG) featuring our QOD speakers almost daily FOR MONTHS, the needle barely moved.

Instead of the barrage of new followers I imagined I’d gain, it was more like a trickle. For every two followers I gained, one would unfollow.

Viewers rarely shared my posts. Seldom tapped the like button. It felt like I was speaking onstage to a roomful of empty chairs.

But as the months passed I started to see patterns. There were certain speakers that consistently captured the crowd. Certain topics that resonated more than others. A certain way of editing and pacing that seemed to hook the audience.

It reminds me of what my uncle used to tell me. He’d say, “Sean, if you want to find out what you want to do, you have to find out what you don’t want to do.”

To grow my Instagram account I had to find out what the audience wanted … and what they didn’t want.

And the only way I could do that was to start posting.

And keep posting.

There’s no book, no article, no course that could’ve told me exactly what would resonate with my audience.

I had to find out for myself. And part of this discovery process was having my ego kicked in almost daily, for months.

I had to learn on the job.

Over the past 90 days, my Instagram account has grown by 110,072 followers. My content — the videos that people used to ignore — have reached 14,111,229 accounts.

I’m not telling you this to impress you. But rather to encourage you to stop waiting until you feel like you’re ready. Stop waiting until you feel like you know enough.

The truth is, you’ll never feel like you know enough. Because the more you learn, the more you discover that there’s always more to learn.

The most effective way to learn is to do it. To see what works and what doesn’t. And then do more of the stuff that works.

In the beginning it might feel like nothing is happening. But trust me, something is happening.

I recently heard a quote that I’ll never forget…

“All work works.”

Even when you think it’s not working for you, it’s working on you. It’s making you more resilient. It’s revealing the patterns. It’s not only building your audience, it’s building your character.

On today’s episode, Ed Mylett kicks off the week imploring you to take action, even when you don’t know everything.

Source: Find and Flip Summit 2019 – Amazing Ed Mylett Keynote Speech

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
