It’s the law.

For every effect there is a specific cause or causes.

If you aspire to change your circumstances, to accomplish a goal, to create something you’ve never created before, then you have a desire to bring about an effect for which there are particular causes.

However, as we fantasize about our lofty ambitions, we often overlook the actions that must be taken to produce the end result.

Which, if you think about it, is kinda like wanting to eat the meal without first gathering the ingredients and following the recipe.

Just like you can’t make a PB&J sandwich without the J, setting out to accomplish a goal without taking precise step-by-step actions won’t quite get you there.

Ironically, the road less traveled is the one that’s already been taken before.

In other words, we humans have a tendency to want to plow and pave new roads, to reinvent the recipe, to discover a fresh set of causes for the effects that we fancy.

Oh, how we love to complicate things.

But the simple truth is that whatever it is that you want to do, someone (in fact, many someones) has done it before.

If you want to grow your social media audience to a million followers, it’s already been done. Thousands of times over. Do what they did.

If you want to become an investor, go to the bookstore and pick up books written by successful investors. Follow the steps they lay out.

If you want to enroll the right clients for your coaching business, contact a coach you admire and hire them to help you implement the causes that create the effect.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when you can follow the law.

On today’s episode of the podcast, Brian Tracy goes deeper on what he calls The Iron Law of Cause and Effect. When you do what successful people do, there’s no way you won’t become successful yourself.

Source: Unavailable

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