So you’re offered a new job.

They want you to coach the women’s volleyball team. At a prestigious university with a reputation for winning.

Funny thing is, you’ve never coached volleyball before. In fact, you’ve never even played volleyball in your life!

Would you accept or decline the offer?

Valorie Kondos said yes.

She leapt into the unknown, with no clue what she was doing, and went on to lead her team to 7 NCAA championships.

From zero experience to the Hall of Fame.

How did she do it?

She shares the 3 most important things she did on today’s QOD.

But here’s my favorite…

By being herself and encouraging her athletes to do the same.

Because, as she says, whenever you try to be somebody else you will always be a second-rate them.

Check out today’s episode and discover how to become the Hall of Fame you!

Source: HRR: UCLA Gymnastics Coach Valorie Kondos Field

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