Your journey is not normal.

You’ve never been normal.

So they’re supposed to talk about you.

Let me be anything but normal.

Let them question you.

‘Cause when they question you, whoever they are, that means you’re disrupting the vibration of the planet.

That means something new is going to come from you.

If you’re rolling smoothly, that means you’re not outside the box.

And guess what?

There never was a box in the first place.

Where is the box?

There’s never order.

Your life is supposed to make my life better because you were born.

Your life is suppose to give life to someone who crossed your path at the right moment.

Your light is supposed to shine so brightly that when I’m in my darkest corner, at the darkest moment, your light illuminates over to me, and I can see myself again.

That’s your responsibility.

Think about it, you are an unrepeatable miracle that was brought here on a divine assignment.

And every single thing that you’ve gone through, you had to go through it so you had the resiliency that you have.

Everything — the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the right, the wrong, and everything in between — was by divine design so you can be the being that you are today.

Don’t get it twisted.

Those aren’t my words. That’s all Lisa Nichols, on today’s episode of the podcast. And there’s more. It gets even better. Tap the play button to listen in.

Source: The Art of Action | Lisa Nichols

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