In this episode, Jim Rohn reveals how to deal with life’s challenges and difficulties. We’ve got to nourish our values and defend ourselves from our enemies, not just from the outside but within us, like indifference, indecision, doubt, and worries. 

With faith, courage, and belief, you can overcome these negativities and turn these into excellent opportunities. He also reminds us to be wary of indecisiveness because indecision is the greatest thief of opportunity. Refuse to be a servant to your own worries because doubts rob you of the opportunities in life. So be your own master. After all, the greatest strength and wealth is self-control.

Overall, whatever difficulties or challenges life may throw, at the end of the day, either you run the day or the day runs you.

Source: Jim Rohn Get Serious!!!!!! | Iconz Global Network, LLC.

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