Whatever motivates you, use it.

Lining the bottom of my computer monitor are a half dozen Post-Its, each with a motivational quote.

But these motivational quotes aren’t what you think. They’re not from the likes of Les Brown, Mel Robbins, or Bob Proctor.

They’re from people who’ve doubted me this past year. People who rolled their eyes, told me what I couldn’t do, and sh*t all over my ideas.

In sports they call it “bulletin board material” — when a player talks trash in the media and the opposing team uses it for extra motivation.

Sometimes no words need to be said at all. Like when a coach I recently hired for 5-figures (and even more recently fired) ignored my email for 3 days.

Oh, you’re not even gonna acknowledge me? Okay … okay.

(Nods head, flares nostrils, pulls out a Post-It.)

One of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements is to not take things personally.

Nah, you can keep that one, Don. I do not agree.

Sometimes taking things personally can be exactly what you need to light a fire under your ass.

I mean, have you not watched the Michael Jordan docuseries? Dude took EVERYTHING personally. He even made up stories that never happened and took them personally. Championships were won.

So if someone doesn’t believe in you, if they doubt you and your ideas, use their naysaying (err, hating) to your advantage. Not in a resentful way, but as fuel to do the thing. To prove them wrong. To make them eat their words.

My favorite Post-It is the one that says, “Um … no.” It’s from a group call I was on with another coach. When the coach asked the rest of the group for thoughts on one of my ideas, someone posted those words in the chat box.

Oh, you know what that was …


(Nods head, flares nostrils, pulls out a Post-It and a Sharpie.)

And when I pull off this idea with massive success, I’m gonna take a picture of myself holding that Post-It in front of my face and email it to this individual.

Apparently, I am not above pettiness.

Whatever lights your fire, my friend. As Les Brown says on today’s episode, the best revenge is massive success.

Get yours.

Source: Take Charge of Your Life – Les Brown

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