Last day of 2021.

In the coming year, you’re gonna do the thang.

Maybe you’ll make more money, drop the pounds, find the right partner, read more books, take more adventures.

Whatever your goal may be, the secret to doing the thang is BECOMING the kind of person who does it.

A thang doer.

Remember, the goal-achieving process goes like this …

Be. Do. Have.

You’ve gotta be a method actor taking on the role of the character who already has what you want.

You have to save and invest like that character.

Eat and exercise like her.

Love like him.

Read like her.

Dare like him.


You have to constantly ask yourself this question:

How would the person I’d like to be do the things I’m about to do?

Even in the question itself, the BE comes before the DO.

This coming year is about one thing: the choices you make. Big and small. Little by little. Use this question to make the right ones.

The person you’d like to be would start right now. He or she would write the question down on a Post-It and stick it to the computer monitor, to the mirror, on the debit card, on the refrigerator door. As a reminder of who you must be. A maker of good choices. A doer of thangs. The twin, not the stranger.

Not only do I know you can do it.

I know you can be it.

Today on the podcast, Jim Cathcart wraps up our Best of 2021 week with an unforgettable story about the power of the question.

Have a fantastic New Year’s Eve.

See you Monday!

Source: Jim Cathcart – Ask Yourself, The Daily Question

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