I’ve always been fascinated by this guy.

He dreamed of becoming the world’s greatest bodybuilder.

Did it.

He decided to become a high-paid movie star … even though he didn’t speak the best English at the time.

Did it.

Then he said, hey, I guess I’ll be the Governor of California now.


Love him or not, Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the best examples you’ll ever find when it comes to the power of setting goals and having a vision.

At the beginning of each year, he wrote his goals down on index cards, held the image in his mind, took action with enthusiasm, and achieved exactly what he set out to do.

This stuff works.

Today on the podcast, Arnold shares his personal story of stumbling upon his vision and doing whatever it took, with joy and enthusiasm, to make it come true.

Source: Arnold Schwarzenegger “Rules of Success”

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