There’s this sushi spot I like to go to.

The food is excellent and the service is exceptional.

Only problem is, the menu is thicker than a phone book.

This behemoth has to be at least a dozen pages. Small font. No pictures. Every possible combination of white rice, raw fish, and special sauce imaginable.

I mean, the place should be called Anxiety Sushi. Which is why you can usually catch me there solo. Because whenever I’ve taken someone with me, they need about a half hour to figure out what it is they want.

Meanwhile, I’m on my second glass of water, staring off in the distance, contemplating the metaphor of it all — the menu, the seemingly infinite choices, the indecision, the fear of getting it wrong.

What do you want?

Three in four people are haunted by that question. They don’t know what they want to do, how they want to feel, who they want to be.

But this should come as no surprise to you, especially when the menu of life is as thick as they come. So many possibilities, so much room for error. But there’s no way to get it right without making a choice.

If you don’t order, you can’t eat. Like Reverend Ike says on today’s QOD episode, the menu of life is in your hands. It’s the power of choice that feeds the malnourished soul, the part of you that hungers for something more. Choose.

Source: The 3 Foolproof Techniques for Getting What You Want – The REAL Secret of Good Luck!

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