One sentence changed it all.

It was maybe 2003. My personal training days.

On this particular evening, I was listening to an online class taught by legendary strength coach, Mike Boyle.

At some point he said this:

“If you spend one hour a day studying your craft, you’ll be a national expert in 3 years.”


A lightbulb moment, indeed. I felt like I’d just learned the secret to success — the thing that successful people do that the not-so-successful don’t and won’t.

Successful people get better every day. They know that little by little, a little becomes a lot. That spending 365 hours a year studying anything will eventually make you a leading authority on that topic.

So that’s what I did.

I stopped checking my MySpace page every 15 minutes. Turned off the TV. Ordered and read a huge stack of books. And soon became one of the best strength coaches around.

Keeping it real, becoming a leading authority in your field is pretty darn easy. Because 99% of the people in your industry would rather spend 2 hours a day on social media and 3 hours watching Netflix than pick up a book and learn something outside of work hours.

A simple one-hour investment in developing your skills can make all the difference in your career, income, and fulfillment.

One hour a day.

365 hours a year.

That’s 9.1 forty-hour work weeks.

Little by little.

On today’s episode of the podcast, Jim Cathcart expands on this topic and encourages you to think like the person you intend to become.

You can find today’s full clip here.

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
