What’s your terrible idea?

You know, that idea that kinda haunts you every now and then. The one that makes you wonder what would happen if you acted on it.

Maybe you dread the day when you turn on the TV and see it on sale for 2 easy payments of $49.

Everyone has that idea.

But we shoot our own ideas down. Talk ourselves out of them. We listen to the voice in our head that thinks all of our ideas are … dumb.

The sabotage isn’t universal, though.

There are those who never get started on their ideas, and then there are those who can’t help but act on them.

What’s the difference?

On today’s episode of The Quote of The Day Show, Carrie Green, founder of The Female Entrepreneur Association, reveals how she trained herself to turn down her internal naysayer, acted on her idea, and launched her dream business.

Source: Programming your mind for success | Carrie Green | TEDxManchester

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