You know it.

No, you don’t think you know. You know. It’s certain.

And this thing that you know is that there is a calling on your life. You know there’s something you were put here to do. You know that there’s more life, more expression, more impact for you to enjoy for yourself and with others.

But you’ve put it off. You’ve waited for everything to be just right. For that day when you would wake up and the fear would be gone. For the foolproof plan to materialize.

You’ve waited all week for next Monday to come around. Because that’s when you’d finally make your move. On Monday.

Well, today’s that day.

How many Mondays have come and gone while you’ve waited for just right?

How many times have you tapped the decline button when your life’s purpose was calling?

How long will you pretend that the comfort zone is really comfortable when the denial of your calling gnaws away at you every single day?

If you’re waiting for things to come easy, they’re not. As Lisa Nichols says on today’s Motivation Monday episode of The QOD Show, you weren’t built for the easy road. You’re built for every road.

The road that you were called to take is replete with hairpin turns, flat tires, and an exit ramp at every fearful thought you entertain and each action that doesn’t go your way.

The road never changes. Next Monday’s road will be no different from today’s. The only thing that can change is the way you see yourself in relation to the road. To see that you were built for it. That every exit ramp is a choice. Every flat tire, an opportunity to grow.

But you know this already. You’ve heard it all before. It’s just that sometimes you fear the road, when what you’re truly afraid of is discovering how powerful you really are.

Enjoy today’s talk.

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