I’ve been going through something…

Maybe you can relate.

Have you ever put your heart, your soul, your time into something and things didn’t quite turn out the way you’d expected?

For all the skills you developed and the work you put in, the results were paltry. It’s like, what’s the point? Why try so hard?

For example, this year I spent 6 months — a total of something like 90 Zoom calls — working with a group of coaches. Helping them get their mindsets and marketing right, so they can take consistent action in their businesses.

Things were really humming along. Their social media content was getting more and more consistent. The quality of their content massively improved. Products and services were coming together.

This program is working!

So I thought.

But then, the program ended. It was time for them to fly on their own.

And that’s when things came to a screeching halt.

They went dark.

If you listen closely you can maybe hear the sound of crickets.

Of 26 students, a whopping total of 5 are still in the game, going out there and helping the people. Getting the promised result.

Batting average —> .192

While I’m grateful, I’ve also been in my head. Disappointed. Wondering if this is worth all the time and effort required to develop the skills and to deliver the program.

So every day I sit here at my computer and try to work on improving the program. But I start … stop … start … stop. Fighting the voice in my head that says this is all a waste of time. That says maybe I should just go do something else.

Again, maybe you can relate.

Maybe, despite all of your leadership skills, your team is still underperforming. 

Maybe you’ve been putting in some serious work at your job, but the numbers don’t reflect your efforts.

Maybe you’ve been cranking out social media content, but can’t get a like, comment, or follow.

Whatever it may be for you, I think today’s episode with Ed Mylett will help get your head straight.

While walking the dog this morning, I listened to it several times and it really sank in. 

What sank in is that while, yes, it is about the skills you develop and the results you get, what’s most important is your intention. That you want to do good. That you truly want to help people.

 That you’re a good person.

There’s only so much you can control; it’s your intention that matters most.

Tap the play button above to hear Ed share a profound story about what happened when he was out for a jog and bumped into Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Source: Ed Mylet Speech @ Deca Event

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