
I need you to do something.

I know, it’s not an easy ask.

If you say yes, things will probably be a little awkward at first. You may even feel a bit guilty about it.

There may have been a time when you had no problem doing what I’m gonna ask you to do.

But you grew up, got a family of your own, took on all kinds of responsibilities, and this thing just kinda got away from you.

Or maybe you were taught from an early age that doing this thing was not okay. That it’s what “selfish” people do.

But if you don’t do it, it can be almost impossible to celebrate the beautiful, miraculous human being you are.

And it can be difficult to show up for others the way you want.

So here goes …

The big ask …

Can you do yourself the honor of putting yourself top of the list?

Can you commit to becoming more “full” of yourself?

If it sounds selfish, if it feels wrong, if it seems egotistical, tap a link below to hear Oprah’s take. It’s really good!

Source: Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life, and Leadership

Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
