It never goes away.

Ever. Ever. Ever.

On Wednesdays and Fridays I do about 8 hours of coaching with online business owners. For many of them, their businesses have stalled due to a persistent fear of putting themselves “out there.”

What will people think of me?

What if I fail?

What if I offend someone?

But the truth is, if they’re really playing BIG, people will most definitely think they’re bat sh#t crazy. Nasty emails, tweets, and comments will soon become the new normal. And if they’re not offending someone, they’re either not saying anything or no one is listening. They’re playing it safe.

I just had my 9-year online anniversary. And if there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that the fear never goes away. I would know.

When I click the send button and blast an email to 130,000 people, fear tells me to send it tomorrow.

When I record the intros for the QOD show, fear tells me to do one more take … because I should have used this word instead of that word. Fear has a thing for politically correctness.

Every podcast interview. Fear.

Every product launch. Fear.

But instead of wishing for it to go away, I’ve learned to dance with it.

I whip and nae nae with my fear. We hit that dab and do the Dougie. We juju on that beat.

Fear makes a better dance partner than an adversary. It’s like the hot girl or guy at the club. You can stare at it from across the room and never make your move, or you can walk right up to it and ask it to cut a rug with you.

On today’s episode of the QOD show, T Harv Eker encourages you to feel the fear and do it anyway. To act in spite of fear. Because…

“It is not necessary to try and get rid of fear in order to succeed.”

Today’s clip is from Harv’s audio program Secrets of the Millionaire Mind in Turbulent Times available for mp3 download on Audible.

Get a FREE audiobook with a 30-day Audible trial membership here!

By the way, Harv is the author of my most recommended book for shifting your money mindset — Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Read it!

See you tomorrow,

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