I usually have no idea.

I mean, I know I’m going to write a post about something. I just have no idea what I’m going to say.

Most mornings it hits me right in the middle of my meditation.

Sometimes it doesn’t happen until I sit down in “my spot” at the coffee shop.

And then there are those rare days when nothing happens at all.

This morning it happened in bed, maybe two minutes after I woke up. I reached for my phone. Opened up my Instagram app. And there it was, a serendipitous post right at the top of my feed.

It said this …

“Overheard someone say, you’re always one decision away from a totally different life. Let that sink in.”

Hashtag truth. Hashtag growth. Hashtag courage.

It’s been said that the life you’re living right now is the sum total of the decisions you’ve made thus far. And just one single decision can change it all for the better.

Unfortunately, we humans have a tendency to focus on the poor decisions we’ve made over the course of our lives. So we learn to circumvent and avoid making decisions in order to feel safe. And then we wonder why our lives don’t change.

I can sit here and write the world’s longest post about the decisions that changed my life forever. Deciding to leave a secure personal training gig to launch an online business. Returning a brand new television to Best Buy so I could afford to enroll in a health coaching course. Moving on from my multi-million dollar holistic health business so I can do what I’m doing now.

On the other side of every decision was a different life. A better life. And a sense of fulfillment that I would not have gotten otherwise.

I’ll tell ya, one of the very best decisions I ever made was making an investment in myself and my business, back in 2012.

That was when my buddy Terry and I put our money together and enrolled in Marie Forleo’s B-School.

Total game changer.

As I went through the course, week by week, I kept kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Because it would have saved me thousands of dollars on various website designs that didn’t work. I wouldn’t have squandered countless opportunities to grow my newsletter list. It would have saved me a few hundred hours reading outdated marketing books. And I would have actually made money online a whole lot sooner.


Today is March 1st. If this was supposed to be “your year” and not much has changed so far, ask yourself which decisions you’ve been avoiding.

Therein lies the key to the year and the life you’ve been wanting. The year and the life that have been wanting YOU to show up and decide.

Maybe it’s enrolling in B-School. Maybe it’s not.

If it’s not, that’s perfectly okay. In fact, on today’s episode of the podcast Marie shares how one of the best things she ever did for her business was convincing people NOT to enroll in B-School.

But if you’re looking to do what you love, to make a difference in people’s lives, and earn an abundant income doing it, it’s time to decide.


When you enroll through my link you’ll receive these bonuses from me:

* Saturday morning Community Calls to discuss that week’s B-School module. I’ll also show you how to launch a podcast, how to crush it on YouTube, and how to earn income selling other people’s products. Calls are at 8:30am PT/11:30am ET. Replays will be available. 

* Access to the private QOD Show B-Schoolers Facebook group to connect with classmates and alumni.

* A free ticket to a LIVE 2-day Labor Day weekend mastermind event in San Diego. Plus, party at my house!

Click the link below to enroll. A 12-month payment plan is available!


Remember, you’re one decision away.


Enjoy today’s quote. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
