A little trivia for you today.

If you’ve ever watched the movie, The Secret, there are two or three speakers that stand out from the rest.

For me, they were Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and of course Lisa Nichols.

I can vividly remember Lisa talking about accepting and loving herself — her mocha complexion, full lips, round hips, and all.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one.

After the release of the movie, Lisa deservedly became the cast’s most sought-after speaker.

But here’s the shocking thing …

When Lisa was approached about appearing in The Secret, she didn’t even know what the secret was. 

In fact, she’d never heard of The Law of Attraction, which is what the whole movie is about!

But she accepted the invitation anyway. And the interview was happening … in two hours.

I’m feeling nervous just writing about this.

How was Lisa able to handle the discomfort of being interviewed about something she knew absolutely nothing about?

And how did she become the most requested speaker because of it, eventually landing on Oprah?

Find out on today’s episode of The Quote of The Day Show. It’s a story you’ll never forget!

You can find today’s full talk here. Her next Speak and Write event is May 4-6, 2018. Learn more at motivatingthemasses.com.



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