I’m on a train.

Headed back home from Los Angeles, where I watched Kobe Bryant drop 60 points and score the go-ahead basket in his last game ever.

If it were a Hollywood movie, it would have been the corniest ending ever. The injury-plagued, over-the-hill superstar turns back the clock and gives his fans one final electric performance.

But it happened. In real life. I saw it with my own eyes.

Being a Kobe Bryant fan since I was 18, I’ve always been fascinated by his work ethic. The 4am workouts. The daily routine. First one to practice. Last one to leave.

While his teammates partied, he was fast asleep. Because at 4am the next morning it would all begin again. A lifetime of routine days shaping an extraordinary career.

Love him or hate him, if there’s one thing we can all be certain of, it’s that Kobe Bryant will never look back on his career and wonder how great he could have been. There was no procrastinating. No resting on his laurels. He did what very few of us ever do.

He gave it his all.

And he conquered his days.

The extraordinary life is but an accumulation of extraordinary days. A clear vision sees less distractions. Those who wish for more hours in a day seldom make good use of the ones they have.

It doesn’t take a legendary athlete to conquer the day, it’s the conquering of the day that makes the legendary athlete. Or the wonderful parent. The fully present spouse. The kind of person who can concentrate on what really matters.

This week on The Sessions, Craig Ballantyne, author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life, reveals how adding more structure to your day can create more success, focus, and freedom in your life.

In fact, your sense of freedom may very well depend on it.

Click the PLAY button above to listen to the entire interview.

Back to Kobe..

During his post-game press conference, a reporter asked Kobe if he would continue following his daily routine now that his playing days are over. His answer…

“The important thing is to get into a routine, to maintain discipline, to find a new routine. I’ve been in a certain routine for my entire career. And I think the worst thing I can possibly do is not have one. Because then you wake up without a sense of purpose or a sense of direction. So I have to find a new routine.”

Control the morning.

Conquer the chaos of the afternoons.

Concentrate on what really matters in the evenings.

Look back with no regrets.

Enjoy today’s session. See you next week!
